Working alongside Agency for Good, Amanda supported Discover Tai Chi to secure coverage for the business, which uses new evidence-based approach and teaching methods to deliver wellness and wellbeing workshops and online sessions.
The aim was to position Phil and Helen as experts in their field and secure coverage in local, business, HR, health professionals & wellbeing media, with Phil and Helen identifying a number of key publications they wanted to reach.

Phil’s story is a powerful one: he lost his leg in an accident and has used Tai Chi to help him cope with the emotional and mental health impact of life changing trauma and is now working to support others to reduce their feelings of anxiety, frustration and depression.
Being outdoors and having a connection with nature played an important part in his recovery, as Phil explained when we were pulling the campaign together:
“Green spaces, even a view out of a window onto a garden area, can help people cope and manage better. I often encourage people who take part in our classes and workshops to see if they can find a little private space, a garden if they have one, where they can practise their tai chi form outside.
The lockdown rules still allow people to exercise outdoors and so finding a quiet corner in a park to practice is an ideal way of combining the benefits of nature and Tai Chi.”
Over 3 months, the campaign had success with both pitches and press releases written and distributed for Phil and Helen from Discover Tai Chi.
Take up of their story has been positive, including securing coverage in Happiful magazine – one of the target national publications for the campaign.
Rich from Agency for Good says “As one of the key partners in helping our customers tell their stories, Amanda’s wealth of experience PR is invaluable. She also offers both creativity and an abundance of enthusiasm to any project.
Her work with Phil and Helen has secured some valuable coverage, both locally and in national media, and we are delighted that with Amanda’s help more people will know about Discover Tai Chi and their story.”
If you are looking to raise the profile of your organisation in the media then get in touch to see how we can help